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Finding Confidence After Breast Cancer

Having a cancer diagnosis is a shock to the system, even now I think back to the moment I was told and I'm still in disbelief. I can't believe that happened to me! Although my treatment finished nearly 2 years ago, which in a way is still quite fresh and raw for me, I've spent the time since trying to rebuild a new version of me.

Coping with hair loss and hair regrowth has affected my confidence. As hair really is part of your identity, but these things take time so I’m trying to adapt as I go along, some days are easier than others. I’ve certainly got to the awkward stage, borderline mullet! But after a trim its feeling in better shape. The thinness on top still bothers me but I’m sure it’s just taking time and I can pop a hat on if it helps me feel more confident. Whilst I’m waiting for hair to grow and eyebrows for that matter, I’m trying to focus on myself and my style.

I feel that my style has evolved I still like some of the old pieces in my wardrobe but feel like I’ve had a few clear outs and I’m getting there with things I enjoy wearing. Although I used love dresses I don’t feel I wear them hardly at all now, so I’ve packed a few away and I’ve got some summer ones out that I’m sure I’ll wear when the weather eventually gets warmer, which doesn’t feel any day soon, I’m still freezing!

Sometimes I feel that I have too much choice! I’m considering what to buy more, trying to keep track of my outfits to figure out what I’m wearing and what I’m not wearing. Not only will this reduce the overwhelm of choice but it also helps with space.

Fashion is experimenting is all about finding style and seeing what works, it’s easy to be influenced to buy something but it may not be right for you. If you’re trying to rediscover who you are after a life change event or simply as your lifestyle has changed then make a conscious effort to track what you wear and remember building a new wardrobe that fits with the new you takes time.

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